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10 Reasons You Need Green Smoothies And Chocolate

ย ย Green Smoothies And Chocolate

Let me guess… you are thinking what do green smoothies and chocolate have to do with each other? Well they don’t have much in common, except that I consume both almost daily. ๐Ÿ™‚ Green smoothies are my morning jam these days. They are the fuel that gives me a jump start each morning. And Chocolate just helps to keep me sane.

Why Green Smoothies

1. Green Smoothies Are Full Of Goodness

Fruits and vegetable are amazing! They are packed full of good nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Most Fruits are full of Vitamins A and C which help keep eyes and skin healthy, protect against infections,ย help with healing cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Dark leafy greens are also loaded with folic acid which is super important for women who are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant.

2. Green Smoothies Are Better Then Eating A Salad

I’ll be honest, sometimes salad just sound disgusting, and other times they hit the spot. Green smoothies however hit the spot everyday! I typically get a lot more greens in a smoothie then I would a salad too. So its a win-win. More goodness and more greens. ๐Ÿ™‚

3. Green Smoothies Are Way Better Then Fruit/Vegetable Juices

When doing a smoothie, nothing gets left out. You can use every bit of your fruit/vegetable. Where juices leave out good fibers.

4. Green Smoothies Are Perfect For Breakfast

Don’t get me wrong, I love a nice big plate of chocolate chip pancakes doused in syrup. But they also leave me dragging a little too. So starting off on a good foot in the morning helps me to make better decisions throughout the day.

5. Green Smoothies Keep Things Moving

This is the down under kind of moving. With all the good fiber that is in fruits/vegetables you should have no problem with keeping things flowing (if you know what I mean). Since everything is blended it makes it easier for your body to digest and to absorb nutrients.

6. Green Smoothies Are Quick And Easy To Make

It doesn’t take much time to whip up a green smoothie. Pull stuff out, through it in the blender, and boom, you now have a delicious and nutritious green smoothie. They are faster then cooking oatmeal, eggs, waffles. Not much could beat how quick and easy they are.

7. Green Smoothies Keep You Hydrated

This is a good easy way to get more water into your day. If you don’t like water by its self then add some extra in with your smoothie to hide it. Also some fruits/vegetables contain more water then you might think. High water content fruits/veggies at the top of the list are watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, peaches, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, and celery.

8. Homemade Green Smoothies Are CHEAP

Going to a smoothie shop is kinda like… getting robbed. They sure know how to whip up a good smoothie though. If you compare it to making a homemade smoothie, you can do it for A LOT cheaper.

9. Green Smoothies Can Help Kids Get Their Veggies

Our girls love green smoothies. Just because they are green doesn’t mean they are gross. If your kids don’t seem very interested then start with more fruit and slowly add in more and more vegetables.

10. Green Smoothies Give Energy For Days

With so much goodness packed into one glass, how could you not get energy from it. With things “flowin” down under you won’t have as much weight to hold you down. ๐Ÿ˜‰ You will have more pep in your step and just feel good.

How To Make A Green Smoothie

It really isn’t to complicated. Grab some greens, fruit, and a liquid and your almost done.

The Basics

1 cup fruit- fresh or frozen

2-3 cups greens

1 cup liquid- depending on how thick you want it. If you want it thinner add more water/milk.

1-2 T. nuts or seeds (optional)

Protein (optional)

What We Do

We typically do a mixture of fresh and frozen fruit. We get the big bag of mixed frozen fruit and use a little each time. For fresh fruit it depends what is in season. Apples are always a go to. Adam hates bananas in smoothies, but I think they are delicious. Oranges, grapes, strawberries, pears, peaches, the list goes on and on. Pick what you like and have a hay day!

For vegetables we try not to just do greens. Yes it is a green smoothie but you can add any vegetable. We use spinach and kale for the base though. We also like beet greens, which are nice because you get two things for one. The greens and the beets, which will then make your smoothie purple. Carrots, celery, cucumber, and avocado are what we use the most. But again the list goes on and on. Just experiment with it and have fun.

If you don’t want to use a ton of milk, then just use water. Or to make it even more interesting you could use juice. Use what you have and make it work. ๐Ÿ™‚

We don’t always put nuts and seeds in but they can add some extra flavor. Peanut butter and chia seeds are at the top of our list when we do.

We usually add protein. We exercise regularly so a little extra protein is always good. It also add some extra flavor.

If you feel like your smoothie just isn’t up to par, then go ahead and add some sweetener. Try not to go straight to white sugar. Instead try using honey, dates, stevia, or another natural source of sugar.

I hope this was helpful and that I have convinced you that green smoothies are where it is at! They have really helped us feel better and simplified our mornings. We are in love with them! ๐Ÿ™‚

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