5 Simple Ways To Start Achieving Goals

This post was originally written in February of 2017,  but I wanted to bring it back around since it still is very applicable today.

Achieving goals can sometimes be a daunting thing. But it really doesn’t have to be. Just take it a step at a time and follow these 5 tips to start achieving goals today.

How To Start Achieving Goals

1. Read

I have never been a great reader and have always had a hard time finishing books. I set a goal at the start of this year to read at least one book a month. I know it’s not the loftiest goal out there, but its a start. The things that are helping me to achieve goals have come from the books I have been reading. Books make you think, and ponder. They can help open your eyes, and guide you in a direction to make a change in your life.

2. Prioritize

Let’s be honest we all waste time on FB, Instagram, other social media platforms, and good ol’ Netflix. I know I did, and still do, but I am improving. I have started to make a change. Everything in life is connected. When you start making one small change you will be able to make bigger changes. I am not perfect but I have started to take baby steps and can see what is really going to help me get to where I want to be.

3. Create Affirmations For Yourself

I have read affirmations before, but I never really let them sink in. That is until I read the book “The Breakthrough Experience” by, Dr. John F. Demartini. This book was amazing and opened my mind and eyes in so many ways. In Demartini’s book he had an exercise of writing affirmations. As I went through the process, I thought of things I wanted to improve in my life, and made an affirmation for it. 

Here is an example; Often times I don’t do things because it pushes me out of my comfort zone or I think I don’t know enough, to do whatever it may be. So the affirmation I created is, I do the uncomfortable until it is comfortable. Instead of thinking negatively about myself and thinking I wont we able to do it. I am now focusing on how I can change and become a better me. My affirmations are helping me to get out of my comfort zone, pushing me to try harder and helping me to get one step closer to my dreams.

4. Write Your Goals Down

There is no better way to start achieving goals then to start writing your goals down. If you are not sure where to start, go evaluate the seven areas of life. They are Financial, mental, health, family, vocation, spiritual, and social. Take one area and make one goal. Your goals now are what will be taking you to your future. I like how Dr. Demartini put it. He says,

” Things that aren’t put down on paper get left in the mind, and a short pencil is better than a long memory when it comes to your dreams”.

5. Take the time

Often times I have felt like there is too much to do. I felt like I didn’t have time to sit down and read or meditate. I have realized though, that it really was more of an excuse. After all, I had time to scroll through FB and Instagram. I would tell myself that that was my relaxing time and it was, but what was I gaining from it? How was that helping me personally? Sure I picked up a few good tips and tricks every now and then, and was learning about other peoples lives. What about my own life though?

I wasn’t challenging myself, learning anything significant, or becoming who I really wanted to be. SO… The key here is to TAKE THE TIME. Take a break and do something different! Read a book, write a goal down, envision your dreams, create an affirmation, learn about something new, the options could go on and on.

I hope this has helped. I hope it will give you a little motivation to start achieving goals and to get to reach them. You don’t have to make a drastic change all at once. Just start with changing one thing and then eventually move on to something else. Another Affirmation that Adam and I use is “I am improving”. So start today! Find a new book to read, prioritize your time, create meaningful affirmations, write down your goals, and take the time. 

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Bonus Quotes

From Dr. Demartini 

 “If you can say I am worth it, I deserve to have my dreams, I deserve to take the time to focus on the infinite details to create them”.

“Most people are too busy to take the time to plan, and they’re distracted by low priority actions instead of committing themselves to high-priority dreams”.

“The question is, are you important enough to yourself to take the time to plan”?

Paige Schofield