3 Steps To Get More Done Today

Ever have those days where you were “busy” but you feel like nothing got done? Some small less important stuff got attention but the bigger stuff got ignored? Here is a simple process to help you get more done today and every day after.This exercise works best if you start the night before but it can still be applied at any time throughout the day.

What Is The Big Domino?

In the long list of things to get done in your day. Take a step back and look at the big picture. What is the one thing that you could do that would make everything else a breeze? The one that if you got nothing else gets done, the day would be a success. Usually its the hardest thing on the list but not always.

Once you identify the Big Domino, you know exactly

Simplify The Domino- Man On The Moon

You want to now make sure the domino seems super easy to push over. It’s easy to keep thinking about how hard it will be to get it done. It’s easy to take something fairly simple and make it seem like a complex calculus problem. So instead, oversimplify it.

Take your domino and compare it to something much harder. If we can land a man on the moon, I can do___ .” If Arnold Schwarzeneggar can work out 6 hours everyday, I can hit the gym for 30 minutes. Grandpa got up at 4:00am every morning, then I can get up a little earlier to get more done. Elon Musk can work 14 hour days, I can work an extra hour today.

It seems really simple but giving the domino perspective makes it so much easier to accomplish. Take courage from what other people have done. Make it simple and you’ll get it done.

Knock The Domino Over First and Fast

Now that the domino is identified and simplified, get it done first! Hit it hard and fast. If you can knock it over first thing in the morning, the whole day already feels like a success. It creates some massive momentum to knock over all of the other domino’s on the list.

The best part? Even if you don’t knock anything else over, that big domino is on the ground! The day was a success.

Wasn’t that simple? Try it today or tomorrow and see if you sleep better at night!


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P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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Adam Schofield

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