Paige Schofield
Author Archives: Paige Schofield

5 Things You Never Have To Do While RV Living

RV living has so many wonderful things about it. It has really changed my perspective on a lot of things. It hasn’t all been smooth sailing but it has been a fun filled adventure. There are somethings I miss, like a dishwasher, counter space, and a laundry room. On the flip side, because of RV living there are things that I don’t have to ever do or worry about. And boy does it feel good! šŸ™‚

No More Packing

This has been one of my Favorite things to forget about. It has taken some adjusting though. We still go places and I ask my self, “Did I bring Emery another pair of shoes, or did I pack their jackets?” Then I have to laugh at myself as I remember that our WHOLE house and everything we own is with us. So if you are anything like me and dread packing, especially for kids, then RV living would be a good fit for you! šŸ™‚

Forget About Hours Of Cleaning

Actually this might be my favorite thing I do not have to do anymore. Cleaning is still a very real part of everyday, but there is only so much that can be cleaned. So to clean up the place takes approximately 5 minutes. If I really want to get serious and do a little dusting and vacuuming then we better add in and extra 3 minutes for a total of 8 minutes spent on cleaning! Woot Woot. šŸ˜‰

Never Have To Stay Somewhere You Don’t Like

Oh this is a good one too. šŸ™‚ You don’t like where your parked? Then unhook and move. Pretty simple really. It can be a bit of a hassle sometimes, but nothing like packing boxes, and loading them in a truck to move to a new house.

Hoarding Is A Thing Of The Past

I possibly could have been on the boarder of hoarding when we lived in a house. But I would have to say RV living has saved me haha. I used to save practically everything, from old movie stubs, to grocery receipts. It’s fine if you actually use them, but my “stuff” would just pile up and be stuffed in a box. Not to be seen for years. Living in an RV there is just no room for any extra, so I have had to learn to only have things that are useful. It is also really a pain to stuff a lot of clothes in a closet, so it has helped me to get rid of the things that I might wear and didn’t really love. So thank you RV living for helping me get rid of SO… MUCH… CRAP! šŸ™‚

Yard Maintenance

Say hello to some of the best views, and zero up keep. We have had our fair share of lawn mowing, leaf raking and weed pulling. Thanks again to RV living we can have the mountains, the desert, or a lake as our backyard. All we have to do is pick up after ourselves and let nature do the rest. Or if we are in a RV park, most are kept up pretty well and take care of all the work for us. So it really has been a nice break from yard work.


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “5 Things You Never Have To Do While RV Living”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.

Becoming Your Best (Parent) Self

I always thought I was a pretty patient person. I always imagined that I would be a fun, kind, extremely loving and pretty much, the best parent EVER! Then I had kids…. Man, do they test and push all my buttons. Here are two tips I am constantly working on to help me become my best parent self. I hope they help.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Parenting is a funny thing. It is something that we get to practice EVERY…. SINGLE…. DAY…. You get to practice becoming your “best parent self”. Everyone may have different ideas of exactly what that is. But that doesn’t matter because we get to re-do, re-test, and re-invent our parenting strategies at the beginning of everyday.

What an amazing way to master our parenting skills! It is not always easy, but boy is it worth it. Through all the challenges/practice we face everyday, we get a step closer to being our “best parent selfs”

Be Quick To Forgive

I am so grateful that everyday we can have a do over. We can let go of things that happened the previous day and try again. When I first thought of forgiving I first thought of talking to your child and making amends with them. That is a very important step, however I think it is equally important to forgive yourself.

Too often I think back on mistakes I have made and things I wish I didn’t do or say. I put myself down, and wish I was a better parent. So be quick to forgive yourself as well as making amends with your child/children.


Hope you enjoyed these simple tips to becoming your best parent self. What other Tips would you offer? Tell us by commenting below!


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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3 Guidelines For Living In An RV With Toddlers

People ask us all the time. “How do you live in an RV with toddlers and not get claustrophobic?”. Well to be honest, some days are really hard. Most days are great! A lot of it has to do with your mentality to the whole experience. There are also some guidelines to having a good time. If it’s a rough day we’ve probably violated one of these guidelines.

Get Out!

The whole purpose of us living in RV has been to travel and be closer to the great outdoors. We want to be outside of the RV as much as we can. Which means we are adventuring and doing more of what we love. Even on the days we need to stay in more, its important to get out and do something.

Go on a hike. Get outside and play. Explore somewhere fun. Take a little walk. Go to the store.Ā It makes all the difference. Think of the RV as a sleeping and eating space more than a living space. There are times you need and want the living space but you should be mostly living outdoors.

Clutter Kills

Nothing makes a space feel small like clutter. Living in an RV with toddlers can feel small enough. Ad in some dirty dishes and toys left out everywhere and things feel real small in a hurry. There is just something about having a clean and orderly house that makes everyone happy. Living in an RV is no different.

The great thing about living in a small space is how easy it is to clean up. When I find myself getting frustrated, it usually has to do with clutter. If we stop what we are doing and clean up. We can have the whole place spic and span in a few short minutes. Try to pull that off in a big house!

Take Deep Breaths

Sometimes toddlers will act just like toddlers. Some days are just hard. It’s important to remember to take a big breath. Remember, “Make Them The Reason…” Give someone or everyone a hug. Or try to find the humor in the situation. Everything will be alright.

Living in an RV with toddlers is an adjustment. Most days are great! Some days are a little harder. All in all? It is totally worth it!

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How Backpacking With Your Toddler Will Make Them Stronger

5 Tips To A Successful Road Trip With A Toddler


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “3 Guidelines For Living In An RV With Toddlers”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.

How Big Is The Library Of Your Mind?

We are faced with opportunities everyday. But every now and then, we are given the chance of a lifetime.

ā€œTo each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.ā€Ā  Ā -Winston Churchill

So how do we prepare for these moments?

Learn From The Greatest Minds

There are experts in every field you can think of. Reading their books on the subject won’t make you an expert but it will give you a lot of general knowledge on the subject. Just being able to talk about a topic and having good insight can make all the difference. Reading should be a daily habit.

A lot of people say that the rich are lucky. The only “luck” that is consistently found among the wealthy is meeting the right people at the right time. Finding the right mentor or business partner. Making those connections is so much easier when you are prepared to talk on many subjects.

How books does an average CEO read per year? 60

How many do you read per year??

Learning Prepares You For Change

It’s no secret that our world is constantly changing. Technology has dramatically change our lives. It will continue to change our lives. What works well today may not tomorrow.

We have to be ready to evolve with the world around us. Learning new things daily will help prepare for that day. Add to the library of your mind daily.

“In times of change learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” -Eric Hoffer

What are you learning today that will help you prepare for that special moment??


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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5 Tips To A Successful Road Trip With A Toddler

Travel Trip Map Direction Exploration Planning ConceptCompleting a successful road trip with a toddler can seem like a battle. Victory in battle takes planning and preparation. Often times it doesn’t take much time or thought but it can make all of the difference Here are 5 Tips To A Successful Road Trip With A Toddler.

Plan Your Road Trip Around Your Toddlers Sleep

This will take some testing. Some kids sleep great in the car and it makes a lot of sense to travel at night. So you can knock the trip out as fast as possible. For us, That rarely works. They sleep well for part of the trip but one of our children almost always wakes up crying. It’s all down hill from there.

We like planning our road trips around our toddlers nap schedule. That way if she wakes up a little grumpy we can always pull over and stretch our legs. Another great thing about this method is that the naps and awake times typically coordinate with meals. Which means when she wakes up its time to eat so we can stop and eat to let her get the wiggles out.

Distraction, The Time Killer

When your toddler is awake on a road trip, the first line of defense is simple distraction in the form of games. They start out as a distraction tool but can turn into a lot of fun in a hurry. One of our favorites is I Spy. It helps a lot to help her stop thinking about the restricting car seat and instead focus on the outside world and all of the cool things flying by. Trust me even if its not cool, making it really cool goes a long way!

Songs are another great distraction. The best part? You don’t have to be good at singing. Your spouse may not like it but your toddler won’t care. Children love to sing. Songs help them develop and are another great way to pass the time. We often find ourselves making up songs about things around us which can be fun.

Snacks, A Powerful Key To Victory

A hungry toddler is an angry toddler! Having a nice snack cup, to prevent spills, filled with yummy snacks has become a necessity for every trip. Whether its grapes, crackers, cereal or any other favorite, an eating toddler is a happy toddler. It’s typically our second line of defense from a whining toddler and almost always an effective one!

Breaks A Good Reset

It’s no secret that toddlers have a hard time sitting still. Locking them into a car seat feels like torture. Letting them free from prison can be a lot of help! Stopping for even five minutes for a bathroom break makes a big difference on her attitude. It takes longer to get there, but part of the joy of the trip should be in the journey.

Another easy fun way to incorporate breaks is to find cool spots to spot. With a little Google searching you can usually find a historical stop or something fun to see along the way. Even if its a wide spot in the road with an unreadable faded sign, your attitude makes all of the difference.

The Last Line Of Defense- Electronics

Desperate times call for desperate measures. We prefer to keep electronics put away on trips. Especially for our children. A sad way for your toddler to miss the joy of a road trip is to be buried in a movie she has seen a hundred times. That being said, when the “stuff” has hit the fan, it may be time to pull out a a phone or tablet.

We try to avoid movies. Our toddler will often times enjoys looking at pictures and videos. She loves reliving experiences. With all of the pictures and videos we take, she can relive almost any big memory we have had together. If all else fails we have been known to whip out a movie to help our toddler relax and pass some time on a trip.


Road trips can be a lot of fun. Taking a road trip with a toddler can be a painful experience! It doesn’t have to be. Take some time to plan and prepare and you can have a fun successful road trip.

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5 Tips For Enjoying The Journey

6 Tips To Keep Your Kids Focused And Moving In The Right Direction


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “5 Tips To A Successful Road Trip With A Toddler”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.

How Backpacking With Your Toddler Will Make Them Stronger

If you found this post, you probably enjoy the outdoors. Backpacking is one of the ultimate ways to really get out into nature and enjoy all of the beauty. Backpacking can be hard enough just taking care of your own gear and food. So why would you go backpacking with your toddler?

Sounds crazy right?Ā Well that all depends on perspective.

Backpacking With Your Toddler Is About Perspective

If your thinking about all of the extra work, preparation and whining that will come you probably want to say “bag it”.

What if, instead you thought about your child first? What could this trip mean to them?Ā  How would this “hard” thing help them down the road?

What The Navy Seal’s Teach Us About Backpacking And Hard Things

If you know much about the Navy SEALs you probably know that they are some of the toughest soldiers in the world. How did they get so tough? Well they trained like crazy and the culmination of their training is what they refer to as “hell week”. For a week they are put through hell. It’s horribly miserable training and very little sleep. They push their bodies to the limit.

Why? So when they are put in a really tough situation they can look back and say “I survived hell week, I can get through this”. Learning how to get over those tough climbs will help you prepare for the future mountains that will surely come.

Backpacking With Our Toddler

In preparing for our first backpacking trip with our two-year-old, we decided that she would be hiking the whole time. We knew it would be hard for her to do it. We also knew it would take a lot of patience and help from us. But if she could get through this tough hike she could get through the next “mountain” that would come.

The result?

We were totally floored! On the three day hiking trip she hiked a total of 10 miles and she did really well. Keeping her focussed was hard at times but she loved it. Its now a great reminder for her about doing hard things. Likewise it was an eye opener to us of the capability of our children.

They CAN do hard things and they SHOULD do hard things.


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5 Tips For Enjoying The Journey

6 Tips To Keep Your Kids Focused And Moving In The Right Direction

10 Things To Take On Every Camping/Backpacking Adventure


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “How Backpacking With Your Toddler Will Make Them Stronger”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.



Starting An Online Business?ā€¦4 Reasons You Donā€™t Need To Listen To Anyone

I am sure there are several reasons you could consider us crazy. But the latest reason? My husband dropped out of engineering school to start an online business. When people hear that, we definitely get some odd looks. Not everyone tells us we are crazy, but I usually know when they are thinking it. I am sure some of it is just plain curiosity, wondering why the heck he would choose to drop out of school and start an online business.

We have many reasons for making this choice, and we haven’t regretted the decision one bit. So if you are thinking about making a change, or just doing something out of the norm I hope this post can help you brush off any rude comments or funny “what in the world are you thinking” looks. So here we go…

4 Reasons YouĀ Don’t Need To Listen To Anyone


Your Life Is Your Life

First things first. This is your life. You have agency, and can make educated decisions by yourself. This one has often been a challenge for me. I have always wanted approval, and I guess you could say “permission” from others to make decisions. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone or make a wrong choice. As I have slowly started to rely more on myself and on my husband instead of others I have had a better grasp on that agency.

In return I have also gained more confidence. Confidence in making decisions, and being happy with it. Confidence in knowing that it was my (or my husband and I’s) choice. Not anyone elses. And Since someone else didn’t make the choice, I have no one to disappoint. So the main take away here is to just realize that this is YOUR life,and it doesn’t matter what others think as long as YOU are making the choice. So if you want to start an online business go for it or whatever else your heart desires. šŸ™‚

Secret To Happiness

We thought we were happy. We had our plan all figured out. Adam was going to school, so he could get a good job, so he could take care of his family. That is how it is supposed to work, right? Yes… for some. It wasn’t working for us though. Adam was enjoying what he was learning but he didn’t like the idea of working a job. Whoever he worked for would own his time. So we needed a change. He wanted more control over his time and still find joy in his work.

If you are not doing what makes you happy then something needs to change. And if doing something that may not be “acceptable” or “the social norm” makes you happy, then DO IT! Take a look at your values/beliefs. If they are not being meet then that typically leads to frustration and unhappiness. So do what makes you happy. Do what keeps you moving forward everyday. Find it, stick to it, and don’t worry about anyone else.

Best Way To Learn

I always had this vision that my Husband would have a good job. He would go to work and then come home in the evening and play with the kids before dinner and bedtime. Looking back I think what a funny vision that was. Because now he can spend the whole day with them if he wants. He gets to plan his schedule and it is truly wonderful. Since we have taken this path we have learned so much more about ourselves, and our kids. We have become more open minded. We have learned things we never would have learned if we had followed the norm.

It’s important to step out and take some risks. Any time you step out of the box you learn something new. If you are getting out of your comfort zone, taking a new path, or simply making a change you WILL learn. It is okay to try something new. It is okay to take a risk. You can never truly fail. You may not get the outcome you were looking for but you learn a lot from the experience. We have had setbacks with our business but they truly helped us learn how to get the results that we are looking for.

What Do Friends Do

Doing something out of the ordinary will help you quickly realize who your friends are (or whether they should/shouldn’t be your friends). By the comments and looks you receive, you should have a pretty good indication if they support you or think you’re crazy. There is no faster way to have your hopes and dreams crushed then by someone who is pessimistic and a plain o’l Debbie downer. Especially when you think they would support you. Just because they disagree with what you’re doing doesn’t mean they are a bad friend, you just may need to evaluate their knowledge in the subject. You probably wouldn’t take financial advice from someone who is poor. Right?

This is really important to realize. If someone is not going to support your dreams then do not share your dreams with them. (Notice I did not say stay away from them) You can still be friends or family (can’t really help that one) but you do not have to share your ideas and plans with them. On the flip side, there is no faster way to achieving your goals then by having good, uplifting, motivating, optimistic friends. Find people who will support and help you achieve your dreams. It has made all the difference since starting our online business.

Internet Business Opportunities

There are so many things you can do to create your own online business. Here is an article that has 15 different ways to start an online business and another with 5 online business ideas.Ā  There are so many ways to build a successful online business. From our experience the most important keys to success has been mentorship and a community of like-minded people. They have become the foundation for “4 Reasons YouĀ Don’t Need To Listen To Anyone” and has really made a huge difference in building our online business. If you want to learn more about how we built our online business and how you can get started, register for a “Free Live Broadcast”Ā  to learn more.


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. If you haven’t gotten started online and don’t want to get left behind, Register for a Free Workshop to learn how we started our Online Business

If you enjoyed this post onĀ Starting An Online Business?ā€¦4 Reasons You Donā€™t Need To Listen To Anyone, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.

How To Make More Time For The Kids: By Building A Digital Business

What weā€™re thinking

The digital age has completely changed business forever. We love business. Its the American dream for many to own their own business. We are no exception. The idea of being able to write your own schedule and have the potential to grow as big as you want is fantastic. The funny thing is our mindset was about 20 years old until a few months ago. We thought that we needed to have a job and work for several years to become an “expert” or to have the finances to be able to build a business. The internet changed all of that.

Continue reading

5 Tips For Enjoying The Journey

Enjoying the journey is not always an easy thing to do. We just got home from an AMAZING backpacking trip, but it was not the trip we had planned on. We had been planning this trip for a couple months and I was SUPER excited!

I had been looking forward to this trip all summer. As the trip drew near the weather got worse and worse. The forecasted weather was thunder storms ALL day, everyday! So we knew that in the mountains above 12,000 ft it would be a down poor.

So we decided to change our plans in hope for better weather. I was really bummed and didn’t take the whole process very well. I was disappointed, stubborn, grumpy and not excited about any of the alternatives.

Have you ever had your plans not go quite as you planned? I am pretty certain that it has happened to all of us. What do you do when something doesn’t turn out like you had hoped? Here are 5 tips for staying positive when your plans don’t go as planned. I hope these tips will help you to stay positive and have a good time even when your plans change.

1. Recognize Why

Why do you feel the way you do? In order to move forward I think this is important to recognize.Ā I had set my expectations for the original trip and could’t see any of them being met with the other suggested hikes. I had day dreamed about the views we were going to see and how beautiful it was. And I was disappointed that we weren’t going to see them. I don’t know your why, so make sure you can figure it out so you can move past it.

2.Ā Take a step back

Look at the big picture. Why are you doing what you are doing? In our case we were doing a backpacking trip because we enjoy getting out in nature and we wanted to give Emery more experience hiking by herself. We were also doing this trip with a brother-in-law, his wife, and two kids. So it was also about spending time with them. Once I did that then I realized that it didn’t really matter where we went.

3. Forget Yourself

Did you notice that my “why” was all about me and what I wanted? Usually your plans involve other people so once you start thinking about them it helps you forget your own problems. Once I remembered that this trip was not all about me and that it was for our girls too, it helped me to notice that no matter where we go or what we do they will most likely enjoy it.

4. Change Your Attitude

As hard as it may be, it must be done. A change in attitude is the game changer. Once this is done your expectations can change, and it will help you to have a positive out look and the situation. You are the only one that will determine the outcome. So you might as well enjoy yourself.

5.Ā Realize That Everything Is Going To Be O.K.

It is not the end of the world. You can still have a good time and enjoyable experience. So make the most of it and have a fantastic time with what ever you are doing. šŸ™‚

What do you think? How do you stay positive when things don’t go your way?Thanks for reading!

-Adam and Paige


P.S. We love adventuringĀ together. We love being able to hike with our kids when and where we want.Ā Ā Ā  Ā  Ā Learn how we became digital marketers to live life by design.


If this is useful let us know, comment below, or snap a photo of your adventuresĀ and hashtag it #EmbraceTheKids ā€” We love to see the fun things you are doing and the adventures you are going on. Find us: @EmbraceTheKids

Inspiration: Grant Cardone, Dr John Demartini, Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, Alison Faulkner- The Alison Show, The Original Power Couple, North Country Littles, Melyssa Griffin, REI, Osprey Packs, Deuter, Mike Clelland, Ultralight Backpacking.

#EmbraceTheKids #optoutside #hikingwithkids #backpacking #camping #hikingadventures #adventurelife #adventurethatislife #runwildmychild #wildandfree #childhood #childhoodunplugged #getoutstayout #liveoutdoors #outdoorkids #livethelitlethings #adventurefamily #exploretogether