How To Make More Time For The Kids: By Building A Digital Business

What we’re thinking

The digital age has completely changed business forever. We love business. Its the American dream for many to own their own business. We are no exception. The idea of being able to write your own schedule and have the potential to grow as big as you want is fantastic. The funny thing is our mindset was about 20 years old until a few months ago. We thought that we needed to have a job and work for several years to become an “expert” or to have the finances to be able to build a business. The internet changed all of that.

I have been working as a Nurse, while Adam went to school. It made the most sense to work nights so we could alternate times taking care of our girls, so thats what we did. The schedule was grueling especially since Adam was working as well. After being frustrated for a while, Adam started looking for a way to start earning an income on the side.
Its funny, as soon as you begin opening your mind to different ideas, the opportunities present themselves. It was a very short time after Adam started looking, he found a group of digital marketers that was willing to mentor us. So we jumped on board! We were amazed with the mentorship and the potential of an online business. So much so that we completely changed our plans. Adam dropped out of school and began giving our marketing business 100% of his attention. Here are a couple reasons why…


We do what is called Affiliate Marketing which basically means we work with a company that wants to sell products online. We connect the right products to the right audience and then let them do the rest. The beautiful part is, all we have to do is set up the systems to do the work for us. We continually test and improve the systems but they are still 90% automated.
Take for example a sales company Adam worked for one summer. The income is 100% commission. The income is tied to how well you can sell the product but mostly related to how many people you can talk with a day. In the industry he worked in, talking to 100 people a day was a pretty big accomplishment and usually resulted in a very successful day.
Now if we consider a Digital Marketing system. Your success is still tied to how well you can communicate your offer and how many people you can place that offer in front of. The difference is you build one solid ad to communicate the product and then you can place that ad in front of thousands of people who are already interested in that product. You can very easily multiply your efforts.


With a traditional brick and mortar, you need a store front or some type of contact point to actually sell your product. With Affiliate marketing, anyone in the world can visit your “store front”. The business can be controlled from anywhere with an internet connection and the product delivery is handled by someone else. We can work when and where we want.
By no means have we taken the easy route. At least up front. We have faced a lot of uncertainty, doubt, discouragement, and even ridicule for what we are doing.  But we have already achieved the time freedom we desired. The financial freedom is well on the way and we will have the freedom to continue to grow our business as big as we are willing to hustle. If your crazy enough to take on the hustle like we are, come watch a free live workshop to learn how you can join us.
– Adam & Paige
P.S. The workshop only took an hour of our time and it was all we needed to make a decision. What are your dreams worth? Come see what we are doing and it’ll be pretty obvious if it is right for you.

If this is useful let us know, comment below, or snap a photo of your adventures and hashtag it #Embrace_The_kids — We love to see the fun things you are doing and the adventures you are going on. Find us: @Embrace_The_Kids

Inspiration: Grant Cardone, Dr John Demartini, Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, Alison Faulkner- The Alison Show, The Original Power Couple, North Country Littles, Melyssa Griffin, REI, Osprey Packs, Deuter, Mike Clelland, Ultralight Backpacking.

#EmbraceTheKids #optoutside #hikingwithkids #backpacking #camping #hikingadventures #adventurelife #adventurethatislife #runwildmychild #wildandfree #childhood #childhoodunplugged #getoutstayout #liveoutdoors #outdoorkids #livethelitlethings #adventurefamily #exploretogether

Paige Schofield

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