Adam Schofield
Author Archives: Adam Schofield

A 2-Year-Old Routine That Every Parent Needs

This 2-year-old routine helps to focus more on your toddlers needs. It helps with keeping both of you on the same page and less frustrated. 2-year-olds often get a bad rap. They stay so busy with developing their vocabulary, motor skills and personality, that they don’t know how to control their emotions.

Things to Think About For a 2-year-old Routine

There are a lot of things to consider when designing a schedule. Here is the basis of the schedule:

  • Wake Times
  • Nap Times
  • Bed Times
  • Play Times
  • Meal Times
  • Snack Times

A 2-year-olds Needs

  • Repetition– It’s important to build repeitition and consistency. This is the most effective way to avoid the nagging and argument.
  • Boundaries– Setting clear lines that they aren’t allowed to cross helps them know how to behave. They will constantly push you to find the boundary. Stay consistent and it will help them know what to expect.
  • Emotional Help– It’s no surprise two year old’s have a lot of emotions. They need to be heard, make them feel understood. At the same time they should be taught what is and isn’t acceptable when expressing themselves.
  • Sleep– This is still neccesarry. They may decieve you or fight you to nap but this is so important for your sanity and the childs development. Stay consistent and persevere through the push back. You will both be so much happier.
  • Routine – Toddlers need the consistency of a routine. Don’t be so focussed on the exact times but sticking to the general format will help.

Sample 2-year-old Routine or Schedule

7:30 am | Wake Up

This is typically breakfast time. If they wake up early they stay in the crib until breakfast is ready. A sweet hack: your child wakes up when their metabolism wakes them up. If they are used to eating at 6:00 thats when their body will wake them up. We work from home so we understand this time may not work for everyone.

8:30 am | Play Time

This is where we clean up after breakfast, get all dressed, do hair, and let them play around on their own. We figure out what we want to do for the day and go from here.

9:30 am | Outside time

Depending on the weather, this is when the kids get outside to play. It is nice because it gives me a little break to work on things for our business or around the house.

10:30 am | Nap Time

This is nap time for our 2-year-old and snack time for our 3-year-old. This time doesn’t always go as planned but around this time is our goal, and she is usually really ready by this point.

10:45 am | Craft Time

This is a special time. I get more focused and meaningful time with our 3-year-old. We often do craft time (not everyday) or homeschool during this time.

11:30 am | Indoor Fun

While our two-year-old is napping, I continue with one on one time with our 3-year-old. We like to play, card games, hopscotch (yes this can be done indoors too), read books, memory games, and etc.

12:30pm | Lunch Time

Lunch usually depends on our 2-year-old. When she wakes up we will all eat lunch together. I have always loved picnics so I try to go on them often. We love going to the park to eat lunch. We also love going to the library or this is when we go on shopping trips.

02:30pm | Free Play

This is the time when our kids do what they please. They can play together or separately, inside or outside. This is another time for me to get things done, put groceries away, get a snack ready, or work on our business.

03:30pm | Snack Time

Once again those little bellies are getting hungry. So we take a break from what ever we are doing and enjoy a snack together.

04:00 pm | Outside/Chill Time

If the weather is good, our kids will go back outside. One of their favorite things is an outdoor kitchen. They love making dirt pies and rock ice cream. If the weather is bad then they will play with toys or find something fun to do. Typically though, if they have had enough of being outside or would rather just stay inside then they are usually “helping” (or making more of a mess) with dinner.

05:00 pm | Dinner Time

Typically we shoot to have dinner between 5 and 5:30 pm. This may seem early for some but this gives us the time to clean up dinner, toys, or any other messes. It helps us to gradually move into our bedtime routine without rushing or pushing the kids to hurry and clean up.

06:00 pm | Bedtime routine

This is the time we start getting jammies on and teeth brushed. Once that is done then we let our kids pick a book, and read them together in the living room. Once the book is over they go climb in their beds and we sing 2-3 songs of their choice.

My husband and I  like to split things up between jammies, teeth brushing, reading, and singing. We don’t have a set way of doing it, but If he does jammies and teeth, then maybe I would read and sing. Or I’ll read, do teeth, and jammies, then he will sing. There are multiple variations, but the important thing is both of us being involved so our kids each get some special time with each of us.

07:00 pm | Bedtime

This is lights out and door closed time. They may still talk or play a little or even sing in bed but we are totally fine with that. It helps to relax them and let them fall asleep on their own time.

While everyday does not go flawless and stick exactly to this schedule it really helps. It helps both our 2-year-old and I to know what to expect through out the day. It helps me to plan and to know the needs of our rambunctious little one too.

These times may not be a perfect fit for you, but I would suggest starting some sort of routine. The key is to just stick to it. You will have to make adjustments as time goes on, but I promise… routines are life savers!

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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start your own business and working from home? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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Live A Life Of Impact

What Does It Mean To Live A Life Of Impact?

It’s hard to measure if you are living a life of impact if you don’t define the result.  “Begin with the end in mind” as Stephen Covey says. Maybe a life of influence could be measured by your funeral. It sounds a bit morbid, but really when you think about it, a funeral tells you a lot about an individual.

Imagine what it would be like if you walked into your own funeral. Everyone who you have touched or influenced in any way is there. Your family, close friends and even some not so close friends. They all gather to celebrate your life and the impact and legacy you left. What stories will they tell? How have you touched their lives?

We recently attended a funeral of a not so distant relative. He was overcome by cancer in a very sudden way. Everyone was shocked by his passing. We were sad, especially for his children and grandchildren. But we all celebrated the wonderful life he lived. He was a man of service, compassion and love, never afraid of hard work.

By many standards there was nothing particular special about him. And yet, he filled the chapel where his service was held. People loved him and were touched by his life. He lived a life of impact.

What Does Your Impact Look Like?

It’s hard to define what we want our legacy to be. It changes throughout life. Even still, it’s important to visualize what your impact will be. “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Provers 29:18). Having that vision in your mind leads to daily commitment and action. A lack of vision leaves you without a purpose.

We all have been given talents and natural abilities. Building our vision around those talents not only makes sense but also tends to bring greater joy. We have always had a passion for having a family and raising children. Paige is a natural mother. I love teaching. So our greatest legacy has been and will continue to be our children.

Beyond building our home, we constantly seek ways to create a larger impact. One of our larger visions is to serve through humanitarian efforts. To provide safe drinking water for children and other medical needs. We aren’t clear on how this will happen but by creating this vision and taking steps now, we know someday, somehow we will get there.


Take the time to define your vision, or end goal, more clearly. You deserve to live a life of impact and more importantly, others are counting on it!


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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STOP The Victim: Innovate Your Way Out

It’s all too common these days for people to play the victim. It doesn’t really matter what the issue or problem is, people have found a way to present themselves as a victim. In most cases it’s the easy way out. Don’t fall for it! How many great minds and leaders could have played the victim but instead took initiative and solved their problems? Innovate your way out!

What if Abraham Lincoln decided to be a victim after losing in his political races? How would the world be different?

See the thing is, we all have massive potential. But the world would have us hide behind victimhood and never tap into that potential. It’s so easy to give in, throw in the towel and blame all of your problems and frustrations on someone or something else. We’ve all been guilty of it in one way or another.

How Do You Combat Victimhood?  Innovate Your Way Out

When Richard Branson was early on in his career, he found himself trapped on an island with a hurricane well on its way to landfall. Instead of playing the victim he started looking for a solution. He found a flight out but he would have to charter an entire jet. He didn’t have the money to do that.

So what did he do? He rented the plane anyway and then began selling tickets to other people desperate to get off the island! Rather than being the victim, he not only got himself off the island but helped others do the same and made a profit while doing it! The coolest part is that this experience inspired him to start his own airline.

Our day to day problems may not be that momentous. It may just be that you were treated unfairly. Maybe something out of your control pushed you into a financial struggle. It could be relationship struggles, health, or even time. Regardless, it’s important to adopt the innovation mentality.

The Innovation Mentality

Getting the right mentality takes a change of focus. “Trying not to be a victim” will not work. Often the best pivot, comes from asking a question. Like, “How can I get off this island?”. How do I/we fix this? What could we do to turn this “problem” into the solution?

Often times, as illustrated in Richard Branson’s story, the seemed problem turns out to be a huge benefit. Abraham Lincoln gained a lot of determination and persistence from his struggles in his presidential runs that prepared him for the Civil War and other struggles he faced. Likewise, our day to day struggles whether large or small can be the key to our success.


It can be very hard in the moment but, choosing to be a problem solver not a crying victim will make all the difference in your personal growth. The mountains of trials we climb give us the stamina and skills to master future problems. We all have massive potential. Don’t huddle as a victim, become the person of influence and strength. Innovate your way out! People are relying on you!


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “3 Steps To Get More Done Today”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.

3 Steps To Get More Done Today

Ever have those days where you were “busy” but you feel like nothing got done? Some small less important stuff got attention but the bigger stuff got ignored? Here is a simple process to help you get more done today and every day after.This exercise works best if you start the night before but it can still be applied at any time throughout the day.

What Is The Big Domino?

In the long list of things to get done in your day. Take a step back and look at the big picture. What is the one thing that you could do that would make everything else a breeze? The one that if you got nothing else gets done, the day would be a success. Usually its the hardest thing on the list but not always.

Once you identify the Big Domino, you know exactly

Simplify The Domino- Man On The Moon

You want to now make sure the domino seems super easy to push over. It’s easy to keep thinking about how hard it will be to get it done. It’s easy to take something fairly simple and make it seem like a complex calculus problem. So instead, oversimplify it.

Take your domino and compare it to something much harder. If we can land a man on the moon, I can do___ .” If Arnold Schwarzeneggar can work out 6 hours everyday, I can hit the gym for 30 minutes. Grandpa got up at 4:00am every morning, then I can get up a little earlier to get more done. Elon Musk can work 14 hour days, I can work an extra hour today.

It seems really simple but giving the domino perspective makes it so much easier to accomplish. Take courage from what other people have done. Make it simple and you’ll get it done.

Knock The Domino Over First and Fast

Now that the domino is identified and simplified, get it done first! Hit it hard and fast. If you can knock it over first thing in the morning, the whole day already feels like a success. It creates some massive momentum to knock over all of the other domino’s on the list.

The best part? Even if you don’t knock anything else over, that big domino is on the ground! The day was a success.

Wasn’t that simple? Try it today or tomorrow and see if you sleep better at night!


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “3 Steps To Get More Done Today”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.


What To Do When Your Kids Aren’t Listening

There’s not much more frustrating then a child thats ignoring you. And yet, as a parent it happens far to often. So what do you do? Start dishing out consequences?

Maybe instead ask yourself “when was the last time you played with your child?”.

I can still remember the words of my grandfather, “30 minutes of play is worth hours of obedience”. It’s been one of the best pieces of parenting advice I have ever received.

When I find my children ignoring me, it is almost always linked to how little attention I have given them. Spend some quality playing time with your children and you will see a dramatic change in how they behave.

Remember: Embrace The Kids,  “Make Them The Reason… ”


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

If you enjoyed this post on “What To Do When Your Kids Aren’t Listening”, comment, share, or follow us on Instagram #EmbraceTheKids.


How To Pick The Best Fifth Wheel-5 Step Guide

How To Find The Best Fifth Wheel For You!

Want to make sure you pick the best fifth wheel? Since everyone’s situation is unique, its nearly impossible to have one definitive answer. Fifth wheels vary so much from brand to brand but its wise to determine your general needs before setting out to find the right brand and floor plan. Here is our 5 Step Guide to finding the best fifth wheel. We hope that it will help you find the right trailer for your needs.

1- How Long And Often Will You Use The Fifth Wheel?

The first step for finding the best fifth wheel is to determine how often the fifth wheel will be used. If you simply want a trailer that you can hitch up to and head up to your favorite spot a couple times a year, then a smaller lightweight  trailer may make more sense. However if you are looking to live/travel in the fifth wheel full-time you may consider a much more solidly built trailer with some more features.

A washer dryer and a full size refrigerator  may not be that important to you if you are only getting out for the weekend but could be vital for full time living. The amenities can really make the difference when you are full-timing  like a full-size shower or bath.

2- Where And How Often Will You Travel?

Where you will be taking the trailer will have a pretty big impact on what type of fifth wheel you are looking for. Following the weather and staying in mild climates throughout the year will help the coach remain at a comfortable temperature without worrying about extra insulation. If you think you may be in some extra hot or cold areas for an extended period, you probably want to consider a cold weather package.

Living in one place for 6 months at a time? It may be worthwhile to purchase a bigger rig with more room. If you plan on living in your fifth wheel for real long term you may want to consider a custom built trailer. Traveling often with a longer fifth wheel can be a real chore. Not only is it harder to back and maneuver through tight spots, but you will also need to plan ahead as many parks have limited spots for large units.

3- How Many Occupants Will You have?

Since we would be bringing our two girls we knew that a bunkhouse with storage would be important. We wanted to be able to put the girls down for naps and still be able to work and do things in the trailer. If your children are older they may not necessarily need their own room or even a permanent bed. A fold down couch or dinette may do the trick.

Even if there will only be one or two of you in the trailer you may still want to consider how many beds can be made in case you want to take friends/family with you on a camping trip.

4- What Is The Best Fifth Wheel For Your Budget?

When considering your budget, it helps to know if you will finance or pay with cash. Its important to obtain financing before finding the right model to ensure you know what you qualify for.

Depending on your budget there are a lot of different options. On the luxury end of things, there are some very comfortable coaches. Even on the more modest end of things there are several custom built options. Custom Fifth wheels allow you to get just what you want and not pay extra for what you don’t want.

With a tight budget you may want to look into used models. If you are willing to overlook some minor wear, you can avoid the dreaded first year of depreciation from buying new and still get a quality fifth wheel. You may not be able to find the exact model you are looking for but if the price is right.

We wanted something newer to avoid some of the wear of older models. We also weren’t set on a new model. So we did some searching and found a model that was less than two years old and in great shape.

5- Where Will You Stay?

Full service parks can give you all the comfort of a home. With constant power and a sewage dump, it makes sense to run full size refrigerators, TV’s, and even a washer/dryer. If you plan on doing some boon docking (setting up with out any electric, sewage, or water hook ups) larger storage tanks and a battery bank and solar and/or a generator could be nice.

We want to get as close as we can to the wilderness and mountains as possible. So keeping our fifth wheel relatively short with larger tanks made a lot of sense. Our trailer is also solar ready which will make connecting a solar panel to our battery bank a breeze.


Deciding on what fifth wheel to purchase can seem daunting. There is no definitive answer. Thinking through the 5 Step Guide to finding the best fifth wheel should help.


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Embrace The Kids Life Style Blog


Make Them The Reason, Not The Excuse”

P.S. Looking to start traveling full time but not sure how to fund your adventures? Learn how to follow a simple process to start building a full-time income online.

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