A 2-Year-Old Routine That Every Parent Needs

This 2-year-old routine helps to focus more on your toddlers needs. It helps with keeping both of you on the same page and less frustrated. 2-year-olds often get a bad rap. They stay so busy with developing their vocabulary, motor skills and personality, that they don’t know how to control their emotions.

Things to Think About For a 2-year-old Routine

There are a lot of things to consider when designing a schedule. Here is the basis of the schedule:

  • Wake Times
  • Nap Times
  • Bed Times
  • Play Times
  • Meal Times
  • Snack Times

A 2-year-olds Needs

  • Repetition– It’s important to build repeitition and consistency. This is the most effective way to avoid the nagging and argument.
  • Boundaries– Setting clear lines that they aren’t allowed to cross helps them know how to behave. They will constantly push you to find the boundary. Stay consistent and it will help them know what to expect.
  • Emotional Help– It’s no surprise two year old’s have a lot of emotions. They need to be heard, make them feel understood. At the same time they should be taught what is and isn’t acceptable when expressing themselves.
  • Sleep– This is still neccesarry. They may decieve you or fight you to nap but this is so important for your sanity and the childs development. Stay consistent and persevere through the push back. You will both be so much happier.
  • Routine – Toddlers need the consistency of a routine. Don’t be so focussed on the exact times but sticking to the general format will help.

Sample 2-year-old Routine or Schedule

7:30 am | Wake Up

This is typically breakfast time. If they wake up early they stay in the crib until breakfast is ready. A sweet hack: your child wakes up when their metabolism wakes them up. If they are used to eating at 6:00 thats when their body will wake them up. We work from home so we understand this time may not work for everyone.

8:30 am | Play Time

This is where we clean up after breakfast, get all dressed, do hair, and let them play around on their own. We figure out what we want to do for the day and go from here.

9:30 am | Outside time

Depending on the weather, this is when the kids get outside to play. It is nice because it gives me a little break to work on things for our business or around the house.

10:30 am | Nap Time

This is nap time for our 2-year-old and snack time for our 3-year-old. This time doesn’t always go as planned but around this time is our goal, and she is usually really ready by this point.

10:45 am | Craft Time

This is a special time. I get more focused and meaningful time with our 3-year-old. We often do craft time (not everyday) or homeschool during this time.

11:30 am | Indoor Fun

While our two-year-old is napping, I continue with one on one time with our 3-year-old. We like to play, card games, hopscotch (yes this can be done indoors too), read books, memory games, and etc.

12:30pm | Lunch Time

Lunch usually depends on our 2-year-old. When she wakes up we will all eat lunch together. I have always loved picnics so I try to go on them often. We love going to the park to eat lunch. We also love going to the library or this is when we go on shopping trips.

02:30pm | Free Play

This is the time when our kids do what they please. They can play together or separately, inside or outside. This is another time for me to get things done, put groceries away, get a snack ready, or work on our business.

03:30pm | Snack Time

Once again those little bellies are getting hungry. So we take a break from what ever we are doing and enjoy a snack together.

04:00 pm | Outside/Chill Time

If the weather is good, our kids will go back outside. One of their favorite things is an outdoor kitchen. They love making dirt pies and rock ice cream. If the weather is bad then they will play with toys or find something fun to do. Typically though, if they have had enough of being outside or would rather just stay inside then they are usually “helping” (or making more of a mess) with dinner.

05:00 pm | Dinner Time

Typically we shoot to have dinner between 5 and 5:30 pm. This may seem early for some but this gives us the time to clean up dinner, toys, or any other messes. It helps us to gradually move into our bedtime routine without rushing or pushing the kids to hurry and clean up.

06:00 pm | Bedtime routine

This is the time we start getting jammies on and teeth brushed. Once that is done then we let our kids pick a book, and read them together in the living room. Once the book is over they go climb in their beds and we sing 2-3 songs of their choice.

My husband and I  like to split things up between jammies, teeth brushing, reading, and singing. We don’t have a set way of doing it, but If he does jammies and teeth, then maybe I would read and sing. Or I’ll read, do teeth, and jammies, then he will sing. There are multiple variations, but the important thing is both of us being involved so our kids each get some special time with each of us.

07:00 pm | Bedtime

This is lights out and door closed time. They may still talk or play a little or even sing in bed but we are totally fine with that. It helps to relax them and let them fall asleep on their own time.

While everyday does not go flawless and stick exactly to this schedule it really helps. It helps both our 2-year-old and I to know what to expect through out the day. It helps me to plan and to know the needs of our rambunctious little one too.

These times may not be a perfect fit for you, but I would suggest starting some sort of routine. The key is to just stick to it. You will have to make adjustments as time goes on, but I promise… routines are life savers!

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Adam Schofield

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