You’ve Been There……. I Hope

This past weekend my husband went on a backpacking trip with some scouts. That left me and the girls home alone. Usually I try and go somewhere or try to get someone to come visit us but it didn’t work out this time. We had to face our home alone, just me and the littles.

I wonder if its just me or if there are others out there (So please let me know). It seems like when he is gone a switch gets flipped.

Motivation gets thrown out the door. There was plenty of things I should have done and could have done, but I really just didn’t feel like it. It all started with the great debate of should I Shower??…and that came to, nah that can wait. Then should I put some clothes on…. um nope, lets just stay in our PJ’s all day. Hair?… crazy looks good. There was a kitchen that needed cleaning but instead I stacked the dished a little higher. 😉 Laundry needed folded and put away but it is still in the basket. It’s a good thing we had a big pan of left over Shepherds pie because cooking was not at the top of my to do list.

Now comfort food was at the top of the list. haha It’s a good thing I was sick or I would have indulged a little more on comfort foods. Like some Ice cream and cookies. We just enjoyed popcorn, granola bars, coconut clusters (a recipe I will be sharing in the future–so delicious) and some good o’l salt and vinegar chips. And what goes hand in hand with comfort food? You guessed it! Netflix.

Yup, defiantly watched too many movies. It was so easy when one got over and my toddler said lets watch another one. We were all snuggled up with blankets, chips, and popcorn. So sure why not. It was nice to take a break from the normal routine and veg a little.

When he is around there is more reason to life. 🙂 There is purpose to cooking dinner and getting things done. There is a reason to get dressed and ready for the day. I’m not saying I am perfect when he is around because some days I still don’t cook or get ready. What I am saying is that he makes it easier and more likely to happen. Because of him he makes me want do and become better. I love you babe. Thanks for being you. We truly appreciate it when your around.

Your Turn

What do you do when your husband leaves for a few days??

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Paige Schofield

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Genie - March 27, 2017 Reply

Yep! Guilty! Frozen dinners or fast food are much more likely to happen when my hubby is gone!

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