Life Is Chaotic, Learn How We Bagged The Hustle Bustle

We were packing for a cruise, the whole trip would last about 7 days. We started thinking of all we needed to take. When the kitchen sink almost made the list, we decided to toss the list overboard! Two backpacks were selected and we started with the bare essentials and worked our way down. If it didn’t fit it didn’t come.

Leaving all the extras made all the difference on our trip and now its changing our day to day lives. Simplifying life is a process and we found it works best to start with one part of life until you find the right balance then move to the next. Here are the benefits you can expect to see when you get started.

Makes Things Easier

For our cruise we had to fly to New Orleans. So only taking two backpacks made the whole process MUCH easier. We didn’t have to check in any luggage or wait around for it after our plane landed. Getting onto the ship was so much easier too. We didn’t have to wait in long lines to drop off our luggage or wait for it to be  dropped off at out door. We had EVERYTHING with us. It was so nice and easy.

As we have started to simplify more in our everyday life it has made things easier too. For breakfast we have started doing smoothies. They are so simple, easy, and quick. When we go backpacking or camping there is so much that you can bring but we have really tried to focus on just what we NEED and not all the extras.

Less To Think About

Doing smoothies for breakfast has been wonderful! It relieves me from the stress of what should I make for breakfast and they are way healthier than pancakes or french toast. And so much faster than oatmeal or quinoa. As we continue to take simplifying into other areas of life it helps me not to worry and stress as much. It seems like when we go on trips everything gets scattered and strewn about where ever we go. So as we have tried to simplify and only take the essentials it has helped to not have to think about loosing and gathering up extra stuff.

Feels Better

Simplifying feels so good! As I continue to down size my closet and get rid of things I really don’t love (but have been hanging onto for years) it is so refreshing. Our two year old has so many excess and random toys so going through them and getting rid of the ones she really doesn’t play with (but dumps out and leaves all over the living room) has been wonderful. Less to clean up makes for one happy mama.

Takes Some Of The Crazy Out Of Life

There is so much “extra” in our lives. When you can take a minute to stop and think about your end goal and what you want to achieve it really helps. Start in one area of your life and then move on to the next. Upfront it may take a little more work and planning but once simplified it will make your life a little better and a little less crazy. It will make it much easier to be present in those little moments and maybe even give you more time to spend with your family.

Everyone loves the question, “What’s for dinner” right?? Wrong. This was definitely a big area of stress for me. So I decided to simplify and make a month long meal plan that I will reuse every month. It has taken some work and planning but it has definitely removed a lot of stress from me and taken some crazy out of my  life.

Simplifying isn’t always easy and often time takes some discipline, but it has been so rewarding. I am not perfect at it and still complicate things more than I should. Its a process, but as I continue to build the simplicity mindset I see the wonderful benefits of decluttering all the aspects of my life.

Your Turn:

What is something in your life that you can simplify??

P.S. Come learn what we are doing to fund our adventures and share them with everyone! Register for a FREE Web-Class. Just share your name and email so we can send you the link to come learn!

Paige Schofield

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