The Best Kitchen Gadget…. For Now Anyway

Does anyone go through kitchen gadget phases??

I know I do. Right now we are stuck on the apple spiral slicer. My mom had one and I loved it as a kid when she would get it out. It only came out about once a year though. We used it for dehydrating apples and that was about it.


Last fall the apple tree in our yard produced a TON of apples. So we decided it was time to invest in our own. Let me me tell you why we love it so much.

Who Likes A Good Deal?

This amazing gadget does 3 things in 1! It is a Slicer, peeler, and corer. Best $12.00 I have spent in a long time! I think it is the fastest way to cut an apple too.

Multiple Uses

We got it for the purpose of easy slicing and dehydrating so that we could enjoy the apples year round. It was so fast to have them Sliced, peeled, and cored all in one motion. Then we would just separate them, lay them on the dehydrator, and turn it on. Easy as 1, 2, 3.

I doesn’t have to be used for that one purpose though. We use ours almost every day now.  There is something about using the slicer that makes the apples so much more appetizing. Our 2 year old devours them!

Bonus– We have also started using ours with potatoes and making curly fries. Yum!!

Great For Kiddos

Its great because it slices them into smaller chunks so they are easier to munch on. Our little one eats a lot more apple when we spiral slice them too. She would eat around the peel when we cut them into wedges but this way she eats the whole thing. If you do have a picky eater its nice to have the option of leaving the peel on or off. And they are just plain fun. Who wouldn’t want to eat an apple that looks like a slinky?

Either fresh or dehydrated they are a great snack. We take them on all of our hiking, camping, and car trips. They are also a nice and simple go to snack for lounging around the house.

Your Turn

What Gadget are you in love with?


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Paige Schofield

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