6 Reasons Hiking Is For You!!

As long as I can remember I have loved hiking, backpacking, and camping. Just don’t ask my parents about it though, they might say other wise. I am sure as with any young child, they had to help me with an attitude adjustment or two.

Hiking really is for anyone and everyone. It is so easy my two year old can do it (well at least for about 5 minutes). The following six points will help you to understand exactly why.


For the most part anyway. Some people have the luxury of being able to walk out their back door and be at a trail head, but others have to drive to get to a decent place. So if you are one of the unfortunate (which is most all of us) then you are going have to drive to get somewhere. So that is going to take a little bit of gas depending on how far you have to go but that is about it.

Time To meditate

This is an important one. To read more about why this is so important go back to this post and learn why. Hiking is the time to let your worries of the world go. It is a time to breath in the fresh air and to contemplate life. Often times you will not have service on the trail, so it is nice to be able to disconnect and take a break from everyday life. Hiking can be a fun and enjoyable time with friends and family, but it is often nice to take a moment by yourself. Embrace the peacefulness and think about who you really are and where you want your life to be going.

Amazing views

Hiking takes you to places you would usually not see otherwise. Most hiking trails do not allow any other form of transportation. So the only way to get to your intended destination is to use your own two feet. That is unless you happen to be a child that has loving, strong, and dedicated parents that will carry them on their back the whole way. 😉


Hiking is for every level! You can be hard core and go straight up the mountain or just take it easy and stay on the trail. There is no limit on breaks, take as many as you want or just keep truckin’. You can walk or run. If your arms are feeling left out then go find a nice log and lift it a few times. If the hike you are on is too easy for you, then you might think about putting a few rocks in your pack or a 25 pound child. The options are basically limitless.

Confidence Booster

It is amazing when you summit anything. If your self esteem is not increased by at least 50% once you summit, then I am not sure what is going to help. When I get to the top of whatever I have been climbing I feel empowered. I feel stronger and confident that I can do anything. It makes me feel good and I know it can for you too.

It’s A Combo Package

Getting multiple things from one activity? I am all in!! It’s an inexpensive activity, you can have solitude, and the views are way better than an art gallery.  Its a free gym membership without the smells, and it helps you feel way better about yourself. Sounds like a dang good deal to me!


As you can see, hiking really is for you. 🙂 There are so many places that can be explored. The difficulty and distance of a hike all depends on you and where you are at. I recommend just starting, grab a friend and get out there!

Your Turn— Where is your favorite place to hike??

Paige Schofield

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