Live A Life Of Impact

What Does It Mean To Live A Life Of Impact?

It’s hard to measure if you are living a life of impact if you don’t define the result.  “Begin with the end in mind” as Stephen Covey says. Maybe a life of influence could be measured by your funeral. It sounds a bit morbid, but really when you think about it, a funeral tells you a lot about an individual.

Imagine what it would be like if you walked into your own funeral. Everyone who you have touched or influenced in any way is there. Your family, close friends and even some not so close friends. They all gather to celebrate your life and the impact and legacy you left. What stories will they tell? How have you touched their lives?

We recently attended a funeral of a not so distant relative. He was overcome by cancer in a very sudden way. Everyone was shocked by his passing. We were sad, especially for his children and grandchildren. But we all celebrated the wonderful life he lived. He was a man of service, compassion and love, never afraid of hard work.

By many standards there was nothing particular special about him. And yet, he filled the chapel where his service was held. People loved him and were touched by his life. He lived a life of impact.

What Does Your Impact Look Like?

It’s hard to define what we want our legacy to be. It changes throughout life. Even still, it’s important to visualize what your impact will be. “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Provers 29:18). Having that vision in your mind leads to daily commitment and action. A lack of vision leaves you without a purpose.

We all have been given talents and natural abilities. Building our vision around those talents not only makes sense but also tends to bring greater joy. We have always had a passion for having a family and raising children. Paige is a natural mother. I love teaching. So our greatest legacy has been and will continue to be our children.

Beyond building our home, we constantly seek ways to create a larger impact. One of our larger visions is to serve through humanitarian efforts. To provide safe drinking water for children and other medical needs. We aren’t clear on how this will happen but by creating this vision and taking steps now, we know someday, somehow we will get there.


Take the time to define your vision, or end goal, more clearly. You deserve to live a life of impact and more importantly, others are counting on it!


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Adam Schofield

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